The Maldives archipelago, threatened by rising sea levels blamed on climate change, said on Monday it would introduce a new environment tax ...

Update World News.
The Maldives archipelago, threatened by rising sea levels blamed on climate change, said on Monday it would introduce a new environment tax ...
A new form of insurance that covers risks such as droughts or floods could help small farmers in developing countries cope with worsening im...
Source : : national geographic More Info Regarding Earth & Nature The Hottest Video is Here To subscribe Click Here To See More Here Mor...
Big Hungry Frog !! Source : : national geographic More Info Regarding Earth & Nature The Hottest Video is Here To subscribe Click Here T...
Populations of many species of birds have plunged over the past 40 years, primarily due to habitat loss, according to a report issued by the...
Earth Day is a time to celebrate the gains we have made in protecting the environment, but also a time to reflect and ask, "How can we ...
The basic history of mankind before Adam and the Rebellion of Lucifer has the following major historical periods: Cro-Magnon Paleolithi...
By CHI-CHI ZHANG Associated Press Writer BEIJING March 16, 2009 (AP) Left on their own by adults, the young dinosaurs sank into the m...
Scientists have discovered footprints in northern Kenya that prove human beings have been walking our walk for at least 1.5 million years. ...
At least 14 people are believed to have died in Australian wildfires raging across the south-east of the country, with unconfirmed reports t...
Even if all the world’s smokestacks and tailpipes were to suddenly stop spewing CO2, if all the trees everywhere were to be left standing, a...
Scientists have found more evidence of possible life on Mars . NASA announced Thursday that its researchers and university scientists found...